Most of the companies migrate their applications and data on to cloud. There is an increased concern about whether cloud services are secured. There are many challenges with the cloud services. There are some genuine security risks that are of concern. It depends on how users implement cloud services when they are moving data to cloud to ensure data security. When you are using cloud, security is the priority. Though you are getting benefits like scalability and flexibility from cloud services, you should not sacrifice the need for security.
Securing your data is very crucial for letting you save the crucial information that is much required for your business or organization.

Risks regarding cloud backup security
● Authentication and credentials are susceptible to get stolen
There are many cases of attacks or theft of the data. Though risks are there due to usage of weak password or poor key and certificate management, but the security of data is the biggest concern. There are many issues that happen as there is a circulation of multiple allocations and permission levels, so good credential management system can help. Besides, you would never want your confidential data to get stolen. The is just too high so having a secured system is very essential.
If we use one-time generated passwords and proper phone-based authentication, it will be difficult for the attackers to get access to our data.
● Breaching of the data
If there is a breaching of the data, it can prove very dangerous for the organisations. When the crucial data of their customers gets leaked, it leads to violation of customer’s trust as well.The organisations have to face various lawsuits and fines. This will definitely spoil the brand of the organisation and companies will have to incur huge losses. It generally takes a lot of time to recover these losses. It is again a known fact that cloud service providers offer many security methods for protecting the user’s data. But as a professional, it is you who will be responsible for the protection of your organisation’s data. It is very important to prevent breaching of the data or a ransomeware attack. For this very purpose, you have to be very good withthe encryption.
When the cloud is used for the storage, data should be encrypted at no less than 256-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) before leaving the network. When the data is in transit, it should be encrypted the second time, and when the data is at rest in the cloud it should be encrypted the third time. In order to ensure the security of cloud backups, it is required that you do a proper research prerequisite about the encryption used by your applications as well as the service providers.
● There is a lack of diligence
Sometimes when you are moving data to the cloud, it fails to be moved. If there is a poor planning or a poor implementation, the data can be attacked by the hackers or there can be a loss of the data. There should be a careful planning in order to implement a cloud backup strategy or a disaster recovery strategy. You have to consider all the risks, threats and other types of vulnerabilities that exist. You are also required to understand what measures should be undertaken for a very secure recovery of the backups. You need to ensure your network is highly secured and the access to the key infrastructure is restricted. There should be due diligence while you are approaching the cloud, as you have to align your IT staff and service provider. There should be an integration between the service provider and the cloud backup for proper utilisation of optimal security and good performance of virtual environment. This integration will then cause the business to prosper a lot.

● There is a multi-tenant environment
Some service providers provide their customers with cost-effective and operation effeciencies by offering shared resources. If you are using a service that is shared, it is very important that you understand the risks. The key to a multi-tenant environment should be to ensure that every tenant is isolated from the other tenant’s environment. There should be segregation networks between multi-tenant platforms. These platforms should only allow privileged accesses and should also have multiple security levels as well as networking stacks.
● Service provider trust
When you are moving data into a multi-tenant environment, where the management of the infrastructure is with the third party, there is always some kind of anxiety among the IT professionals regarding the safety of the data. This might be also because they do not have control on cloud backup security. Thus, it is very important that you should have a service provider whom you trust as well as he is able to clear any of your doubts related to security. You should also hire thosr service providers who meet the required compliance standards. The service provider should also have a good track record of reliability. There are plenty of tools that are available online which provide report on service provider network. You have to take help of a secure data centre providing 24/7 security and multiple levels of authentications.
Security of cloud services
Now there will always be a question that whether or not the cloud services are secured. The cloud is only as secure as we make it. In addition to planning about cloud services, the capabilities of cloud services, as well as recovery service, matters a lot. These elements are considered very important that will help in the successful utilisation of cloud services. You have to ensure the security of your data, you have to choose a good service provider when you are moving your data to cloud backups. So it becomes important that users partner with an experienced data management company. A good data management company will have a great experience in shifting the data to the cloud in a protected and secure way. Also, trusting a good service provider is as essential as getting backup of your data. Data flow is necessary but should be done with proper safety and security. There shouldn’t be any breaching or leaking of the confidential data as these are very important for any business or organization. This security also ensures the thriving of business and excelling to the heights. The right approach towards your business is very crucial and this first comes with a secured data backup.